Sunday, February 20, 2011

Metacognitive Reflection of Reading Habits and Difficulties with the Text

Metacognitive Reflection of Reading Habits
So far I have managed to get all of the reading done, but always sort of last minute. I think I am struggling with getting back into the routine of reading a novel. Instead of being really into the book and eager to find out what will happen next I usually forget that I have reading to do and then when I remember, I put it off. Procrastination is a bad habit that I need to break. Also, because the journal writing prompts are about certain topics regarding the story plot I like to read the prompts and decide which ones I will write about before I start reading so that I can know what quotes or events I need to watch out for, for the writing. I think this is a reason I tend to procrastinate because I know that there is work to go along with reading. Although, I will always read the prompts to know what I will be writing about before I actually read the book so that I can finish the homework faster.
For future reading, I am going to start reading earlier in the week. Usually I wait until the weekend to read the next fifty pages. I think if I push myself to actually read during the week instead of waiting until the weekend, then I will be able to get back into the routine of reading a novel and my own inclination to pick up the book and read will become more second nature instead of something I have to constantly remind myself to do.
 Despite my bad reading habits, I do really like the novel. Once I finally pick it up again to read I become interested in finding out what will happen to Sonny next. One aspect of the novel that I find really intriguing is Sonny’s experiences when he tunes out the world and goes to a place in his head. I am curious to learn more about this part of Sonny’s character and if or why it is important. Also, I am interested to learn more about the various people living in the apartment complex, and about Sonny’s mysterious older sister.       

Difficulties With the Text
I have not yet had any problems with the text besides the jump from English to Spanish. In most cases I can guess what the Spanish means based on the context, but I am never completely sure about it. This novel is really easy to read and understand because it is written in Sonny’s perspective. The language is very informal and casual, and there aren’t a lot of big, fancy words. I like that the novel is written in first person because the style of writing helps me as a reader to make connections to Sonny and to relate with him based on his feelings and experiences that he talks about. Although I can not really understand the Spanish words that are used, I like that it jumps back and forth between English and Spanish because it sets a cultural theme. Sonny is living in a mixture of Mexican and American cultures, and that underlining factor in his life has made impressions on him, the most obvious being his contrast of Spanish and English language.

Word Count: 538


  1. I'm the same way about reading. I get it done but wait to the last minute. Procrastination is something I have to stop doing as well. I usually dont read the writing prompts before reading. I tend to just read then see which one I would like to do. It seems probably easier if I do it the way you do it. I also find it interesting how Sonny's sister is seldomly mentioned, which is very mysterious. I haven't had that much trouble understanding the text either. You can guess what the characters are saying when comparing it to the rest of the text.

  2. I've really enjoyed reading your posts! You have done an excellent job on your blog despite your challenges with getting back into the habit of reading. I am sure we all share this aspect of your reflection as more and more of our time is directed elsewhere. Our distraction is not necessarily a good thing, I think. I am always happy when I finish a novel and I can't say the same about time spent on television, Facebook and random other activities such as reading the tabloids instead of grocery shopping. Although, I do notice that people in my mother's generation seem to be reading quite a bit, so I guess there is something to look forward to as we age afterall...! Your idea of reading the questions first is a great habit for a college student and so is your strategy about planning a time earlier in the week for reading for, despite our many modern distractions, I truly believe that reading remains a vital link to a more educated view of the world and contributes to our overall well being as human beings AND college students!
