Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Am...

My name is Alison Green. This is my first semester at Gavilan. As far as academic goals go, I am just working to get the general education classes out of the way. I plan to transfer to a UC or CSU I just don’t know which one or what I want to major in. I guess I am leaning more towards environmental sciences or some sort of zoology. I am currently working for a business called All About Critters that specializes in dog training and behavior as well as well as pet sitting and walking. This job has given me an awesome opportunity to work with animals and has helped me to begin narrowing down what field I might want to work in regarding animals, which would be more exotic animals instead of domestic, although I do love cats, dogs, horses and sheep.
 I also work as a student intern at my church as a youth worship leader. I mainly play the guitar and the piano. I have been playing the piano for about seven years and the guitar for three. Music is a very large part of my life and I know it will continue to be.  I do hope to at least minor in music at a university, but I don’t see myself ever choosing a career in it. I think working in the music industry would make music a lot less fun for me. My major influences are the bands The Dear Hunter, The Venetia Fair, Pierce the Veil and Portugal the Man.
I love to read, although I don’t read very much anymore. I used to read all the time, but stopped during high school because I am the kind of person who cannot put down a good book once I’ve started it and this reading habit heavily interfered with all of my other school work. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I am pretty much neutral when it comes to writing. I finished high school at Gilroy High in November as an early graduate. I am excited to be staring college, but it feels a little awkward because I still have the choice to participate in high school functions like prom and the Disneyland trip. Also, I will walk at graduation in June, which was something my mom really wanted.
I live at home with my mom and dad, a younger brother, and two cousins. I also have an older brother who is a sophomore in college at University of the Pacific. My younger brother is in eighth grade at Solorsano middle school, one of my cousins is a sophomore at Gilroy High and the other is in fourth grade at Antonio Del Bono Elementary school. We also have two dogs, a golden retriever and a lab/Australian shepherd mix, a big fat cat, and a cockatiel, so we have a very full house.
In my free time I hang out with friends, play or listen to music, watch tv, or do things outside. I ride my bike most places I go, although I have a driver’s license. I really like kayaking, hiking, and backpacking. My favorite tv shows are Bones, Psych, Burn Notice, and CSI. Recently, my family got Netflix on our playstation 3, so ive been watching a lot of movies and tv shows on there. I like Netflix a lot, but I am sad that so many video stores are closing.

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