Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sonny Steals the Money

Sonny Steals the Money
Within the fifty pages assigned this week to read, Sonny takes one thousand dollars from an envelope in Cloyd’s desk. I think that Sonny will save the money and wait to spend it on something really big or important. Based on how Sonny has treated money prior to this scene, Sonny never actually ever steals money because he wants to buy something. I think he likes the rush and excitement of stealing money and he likes the feeling of security that comes with having a lot of money stashed away. I think later in the book something will happen triggering Sonny to spend the money. I do not think that he will get caught. If Cloyd actually noticed that the money was gone, it would be more likely that Sylvia would be accused because she spends a lot of money on clothes and Cloyd has been getting upset that she goes out so much. My prediction is that Cloyd will notice the money is gone and then blame Sylvia which will cause a lot of drama in Sonny’s house. I find it really interesting that Sonny, after going back and forth in his head weighing the consequences of stealing the money, decides to take it and then regrets it. “I wish I didn’t do it but I couldn’t put the money back because I’d even crumpled the envelope holding it” (Gilb 158). Sonny rationalizes keeping the money by saying how he just has to keep it now since the envelope is crumpled.
If I was in Sonny’s position, I would not have stolen the money. Since it was so much money Cloyd would definitely notice it was gone. I would’ve been way too scared of the consequences if I got caught, to steal the money.  Also, I wouldn’t take that much money unless it was really important for me to have it. I would have a really good reason for stealing it, unlike Sonny, who doesn’t really have any serious reason to have it except that he wants it. If I was in Sonny’s position and I had already stolen the money and couldn’t put it back then I would find a really good place to hide it, and I would save it. I wouldn’t spend it for a long time to avoid suspicion from Cloyd. Finally, when I actually thought it would be safe to spend it, I would spend it on something meaningful.

Character Description
After re-examining my character description, I noticed something about Sylvia and Sonny’s relationship that I wanted to add. On page 141, Sonny mentions how he and his mom used to talk a lot and his mom used to tell him a lot. Although Sylvia is disconnected from Sonny, he and she share a strong mother-son bond, probably because through all that they have experienced, they have stayed together. Sylvia also really trusts Sonny. Sonny keeps her secrets and lies for her to Cloyd. Sylvia really loves Sonny, I think she just doesn’t always understand him or make an effort to ask him about himself and the things that he goes through. Sylvia relies more on Sonny than Sonny relies on her.
Word count: 530

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Metacognitive Reflection of Reading Habits and Difficulties with the Text

Metacognitive Reflection of Reading Habits
So far I have managed to get all of the reading done, but always sort of last minute. I think I am struggling with getting back into the routine of reading a novel. Instead of being really into the book and eager to find out what will happen next I usually forget that I have reading to do and then when I remember, I put it off. Procrastination is a bad habit that I need to break. Also, because the journal writing prompts are about certain topics regarding the story plot I like to read the prompts and decide which ones I will write about before I start reading so that I can know what quotes or events I need to watch out for, for the writing. I think this is a reason I tend to procrastinate because I know that there is work to go along with reading. Although, I will always read the prompts to know what I will be writing about before I actually read the book so that I can finish the homework faster.
For future reading, I am going to start reading earlier in the week. Usually I wait until the weekend to read the next fifty pages. I think if I push myself to actually read during the week instead of waiting until the weekend, then I will be able to get back into the routine of reading a novel and my own inclination to pick up the book and read will become more second nature instead of something I have to constantly remind myself to do.
 Despite my bad reading habits, I do really like the novel. Once I finally pick it up again to read I become interested in finding out what will happen to Sonny next. One aspect of the novel that I find really intriguing is Sonny’s experiences when he tunes out the world and goes to a place in his head. I am curious to learn more about this part of Sonny’s character and if or why it is important. Also, I am interested to learn more about the various people living in the apartment complex, and about Sonny’s mysterious older sister.       

Difficulties With the Text
I have not yet had any problems with the text besides the jump from English to Spanish. In most cases I can guess what the Spanish means based on the context, but I am never completely sure about it. This novel is really easy to read and understand because it is written in Sonny’s perspective. The language is very informal and casual, and there aren’t a lot of big, fancy words. I like that the novel is written in first person because the style of writing helps me as a reader to make connections to Sonny and to relate with him based on his feelings and experiences that he talks about. Although I can not really understand the Spanish words that are used, I like that it jumps back and forth between English and Spanish because it sets a cultural theme. Sonny is living in a mixture of Mexican and American cultures, and that underlining factor in his life has made impressions on him, the most obvious being his contrast of Spanish and English language.

Word Count: 538

Friday, February 11, 2011

Character Description

Sylvia, Sonny’s mother, is very pretty and seems to care a lot about her appearances. Sylvia always seems to be a bit disconnected with Sonny, like as if she remembers and then forgets that she has a son. Sylvia likes to go out with her friends and to dress up and look her best. She also tries to please Cloyd, her husband, by doing things she knows that he likes even though she may not like doing those things. An example of this is cooking. Cloyd brags about Sylvia’s home cooked Mexican meals, but Sylvia really isn’t a very good cook and she usually buys store bought food and then pretends like she cooked it. Sylvia used to yell a lot at Sonny and his older sister. Her anger and domestic violence towards Sonny seems to be misplaced, like maybe she is upset or angry about something else and so she takes it out on Sonny. Sylvia’s relationship with her daughter doesn’t seem to be very good. Just like she seems to forget about Sonny, she also forgets about her daughter, especially since her daughter is no longer living with them.

“My mom didn’t drink beer, I think especially because it was fattening.”(Gilb 72)
            This quote shows that Sylvia values her figure and physical appearance. She doesn’t usually drink beer because that might cause her to gain weight.

“I was thinking of Ceci,” I said. “Don’t you wonder how she is?” I wondered about her, if my mom ever talked to her. She never talked about her, I never asked.” (Gilb 74)
            This shows the relationship between Sylvia and Ceci, Sylvia’s daughter. Sylvia seems to forget Ceci even exsists because she never talks about her or sees her.

“I tried to tell my mom but she didn’t hear me. She wasn’t dressed for listening or like she had been in the kitchen for very long or like she was planning to stay there either.” (Gilb 76)
            This quote shows how Sylvia doesn’t hear Sonny. She is always so distracted or preoccupied with other things that she doesn’t pay attention to her son. Also, this quote shows that Sylvia isn’t much of a kitchen or cooking type of person.

 “It seemed to me she was wearing another new dress, and she was smelling washed and bath-oiled and lotioned and misted, and the high heels were glossier and redder than her lipstick.” (Gilb 76)
            Sylvia loves to dress up and to look beautiful. She goes out and buys new dresses and shoes so that she can look more beautiful. Also, she spends a lot of time working on her appearance. She also likes to go out all dressed up.
“She was opening American cans of Mexican salsa. He doesn’t even know I buy este chile at the grocery store,” she told me. “He thinks I make it. He even tells everybody I do.”(Gilb 76)
In this quote, Sylvia is faking her “homemade Mexican cooking” skills. She is going out and buying food from the store and then claiming that she made it because her husband loves home cooked Mexican food. This little white lie of Sylvia’s has grown because Cloyd brags about his wife’s cooking, not knowing that the food is store bought.

“She hadn’t hit me or threatened to since we moved in here.” (Gilb 78)
            Sylvia used to hit Sonny back at their old house. This quote shows that there was violence in Sonny’s home.

“She reached into her purse and handed me a five. “Maybe just go get yourself dinner tonight. He’ll be going out.” What was strange is that she said this like I wasn’t buying my own dinner practically every night. I guess she was so distracted it hadn’t occurred to her to wonder how I did that—how I’d been doing it.” (Gilb 80)
            This quote also demonstrates how clueless Sylvia is about Sonny’s life. She doesn’t really care to ever ask him or clue into the things that Sonny does.

“Cloyd approved of that comment. “Yeah, she is one pretty Mexican gal,” he said. “I am one lucky man, all right.” (Gilb 89)
            Once again, this quote tells about Sylvia’s beauty. Cloyd admires her appearance which could be why Sylvia spends so much time doing her hair or buying new clothes.

Word Count: 721

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Am...

My name is Alison Green. This is my first semester at Gavilan. As far as academic goals go, I am just working to get the general education classes out of the way. I plan to transfer to a UC or CSU I just don’t know which one or what I want to major in. I guess I am leaning more towards environmental sciences or some sort of zoology. I am currently working for a business called All About Critters that specializes in dog training and behavior as well as well as pet sitting and walking. This job has given me an awesome opportunity to work with animals and has helped me to begin narrowing down what field I might want to work in regarding animals, which would be more exotic animals instead of domestic, although I do love cats, dogs, horses and sheep.
 I also work as a student intern at my church as a youth worship leader. I mainly play the guitar and the piano. I have been playing the piano for about seven years and the guitar for three. Music is a very large part of my life and I know it will continue to be.  I do hope to at least minor in music at a university, but I don’t see myself ever choosing a career in it. I think working in the music industry would make music a lot less fun for me. My major influences are the bands The Dear Hunter, The Venetia Fair, Pierce the Veil and Portugal the Man.
I love to read, although I don’t read very much anymore. I used to read all the time, but stopped during high school because I am the kind of person who cannot put down a good book once I’ve started it and this reading habit heavily interfered with all of my other school work. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I am pretty much neutral when it comes to writing. I finished high school at Gilroy High in November as an early graduate. I am excited to be staring college, but it feels a little awkward because I still have the choice to participate in high school functions like prom and the Disneyland trip. Also, I will walk at graduation in June, which was something my mom really wanted.
I live at home with my mom and dad, a younger brother, and two cousins. I also have an older brother who is a sophomore in college at University of the Pacific. My younger brother is in eighth grade at Solorsano middle school, one of my cousins is a sophomore at Gilroy High and the other is in fourth grade at Antonio Del Bono Elementary school. We also have two dogs, a golden retriever and a lab/Australian shepherd mix, a big fat cat, and a cockatiel, so we have a very full house.
In my free time I hang out with friends, play or listen to music, watch tv, or do things outside. I ride my bike most places I go, although I have a driver’s license. I really like kayaking, hiking, and backpacking. My favorite tv shows are Bones, Psych, Burn Notice, and CSI. Recently, my family got Netflix on our playstation 3, so ive been watching a lot of movies and tv shows on there. I like Netflix a lot, but I am sad that so many video stores are closing.